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Male mountain bluebird eating bugs

Our Programs


We maintain and install bird boxes, conduct fledgling counts, and participate in bird banding activities, among other programs.

Nest Box Building

Mountain and western bluebirds require cavities in which to raise young. Our members create and install boxes to help these birds maintain a healthy population in western states, and you can too! CLICK HERE to download an instruction guide for building nest boxes for bluebirds.

Pecker Proofers! (AKA Hole Guards)

Protecting bluebird nests, eggs, and young from invasive woodpeckers is easier with hole guards. If a nesting box has too large of a hole, MBT can help with  a 'pecker proofer,' AKA a Hole Guard.  CLICK HERE to learn more about the importance of hole guards and how to purchase them.

Bird Banding

To better understand the migration habits and the behavior of mountain and western bluebirds, many of our members participate in bird banding activities. Scientists and Trail members can then track the birds and observe and record their behavior and know how long a specific bird lives. SCROLL DOWN to learn more about bird  banding activities.

Bird banding of young bluebird and adult bluebird feeding chicks

PHOTOS ABOVE: Banding young bluebird and Adult feeding young. All photos by Erv Davis

Banding the bluebirds allows one to develop a story about individual birds. You will discover that some banded females returned to the same box they occupied last year. If you are interested in learning about banding bluebirds in your area, contact:


Jane Brockway, Banding Administrator

P.O. Box 1188

Superior, MT 59872406-822-3345


Jane can put you in touch with individuals in your region that are banding or will help you directly. It is a fantastic experience to hold both the young and old in your hand and to be part of a program that is striving to learn more about bluebird populations and habitats.

Male mountain bluebird feeding young

North American Bird Banding

Bird banding is important for studying the movement, survival and behavior of birds. About 60 million birds representing hundreds of species have been banded in North America since 1904. About 4 million bands have been recovered and reported.

Data from banded birds are used in monitoring populations, setting hunting regulations, restoring endangered species, studying effects of environmental contaminants, and addressing such issues as Avian Influenza, bird hazards at airports, and crop depredations. Results from banding studies support national and international bird conservation programs such as Partners in Flight, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, and Wetlands for the Americas.

The North American Bird Banding Program is under the general direction of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Cooperators include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mexico's National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity and Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources; other federal, state and provincial conservation agencies; universities; amateur ornithologists; bird observatories; nature centers; nongovernmental organizations such as Ducks Unlimited and the National Audubon Society; environmental consulting firms and other private sector businesses.

However, the most important partner in this cooperative venture is you, the person who voluntarily reported a recovered band. Thank you for your help.


If you should come across a dead banded bluebird, you can remove the band, flatten it, and note the numbers. You may report it with the USGS by clicking here:

If you would like assistance, please either call or E-Mail:

Jane Brockway, Banding Administrator
P. O. Box 1188
Superior, MT 59872


Please mention where you found the bluebird and, if possible, its condition. Include your name, address and phone number. Jane will contact you.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.



Male Mountain bluebird sitting on a stump
Links to Other Organizations

Education, conservation, data collection

Male Mountain Bluebird sitting on fence post

All photos on this website were taken and supplied by Mountain Bluebird Trails members.

  • North American Bluebird Society logo - North American Bluebird Society (NABS) - Mountain Bluebird Trails is an affiliate of NABS

​ - General and Eastern Bluebird Information


​ - A nationwide nest-monitoring program from Cornell Lab.

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